Thursday, February 19, 2009

Nuwe Ink

The amazing artist Shaun Nell inked me yesterday for almost 5 hours. It was a painfull bitch but sooooo worth it in the end. Just showing off to the 3 people that actually look at this stupid blog.


lauren fowler said...

ooooooooh nice!
ya, it's really tender on the back of the arm there sjoe!

Audrey 2 said...

Nice ink dude. Please ask him to send us some of his work for our next issue. Dig it

Nothief said...

That tattoo almost made my face explode. too too nice dude really...

RX said...

Thanks for the comments!

Unknown said...

Het jy actually `n meermin met `n lighuis op jou arm getatoe?! Jou mal etter! Waneer gaan ek vir jou kom kuier?! (tien punte vir original wees) - although ek hou baie van die prentjie